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“Hello, is this the lady of the house?”

“No, this is Tammie.”

“Is your mommy or daddy home?”

“Mommy is.”

“Can you go get her?”

“No, she’s very, very busy.”

“Too busy to talk to me?”


“What’s your mommy doing?”

“She’s looking for her thing. You know, the one that makes a humming noise and vibrates.”

“Uh… Well maybe she can stop looking for a minute and—”


“Why not?”

“’Cause I have it.”

“How old are you, sweetie?”

“Mommy put candles on my birthday cake, and I counted ’em all. One…two…three…four. I’m four years old. I’m a big girl.”

“You should give Mommy’s thing back to her. You’re not old enough to use it.”

“Yes, I am! I’m talking to you on it.”

When Henry O. Akberg isn’t cooking chili, he’s concocting stories. He enjoys a good hike in the mountains, but prefers to argue with his cat about who should be using the keyboard and mouse. You’ll find him online at: and

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